This week wasn’t too busy but it did come with its own challenges.

From optimizing my site to trying to figure out a way to manage the sites stats this past week came with its own ups and downs.

This past week I have been focused on getting set up and putting things in place to make sure that I am able to monitor the statistics on the website. 

One thing I’m starting to see is that there is no set end date to the beginning stages of building a blog…especially one that you want to turn into a business.

Increasing Site Speed

I have had my site for a couple of months and i have been doing nothing but adding stuff to it to improve it as much as i can.

Then I started to notice the site started to slow down. And if you know anything about SEO then you know that is a red flag that won’t do me any favors when it comes to getting ranked.

I was sure there would be a million things that would be needed to be done and sure enough when i checked my website performance on Google’s PageSpeed Insights, there was.

It outlined everything that was affecting the speed of my website and even gave me a grade on my site’s performance…lets just say it was nothing to home and brag about.

So i went to the best place i know to get web developers to  fix technical issues with websites, Fiverr.

The dev was surprisingly quick in working on the speed and was done in literally one day.

If you have a website and you aren’t sure what to do when it slows down, just go to fiverr. You will always find somebody to help you out there.

Monster Insights

So I have been using the regular version of Monster Insights.

After a few weeks I felt that I needed something that offered me a little more.

So I talked myself into upgrading to their paid service and trying to take advantage of the better features to better help me understand the features on the site.

So far, I can’t say that the purchase has been worth it or if I made a good decision or not.

Though I did just get the upgrade so it will probably take some time for me to fully understand how to use its features. 

I will keep using this and see what I can do with it. 

If it ends up not helping me out at all then I will be in the market for a new program…or maybe i should just stick with google page insights