Cyberpunk 2077 was inarguably one of the most awaited games of all time. CD Projekt Red is known for making absolutely amazing games. The Witcher franchise of theirs is one of the most iconic and one of the best in gaming, being popularly referred to as one of the greatest video game series of all time. That’s why everyone had thought that we’ll see a repeat of this greatness when Cyberpunk 2077 releases back when it was announced in 2012. Everyone expected the game to take a few years to arrive, as you can’t rush art as most people would say. People knew that the game was going to be great and that the open world would be truly amazing and immersive, but the end result turned out to be nothing like anyone had expected.

Why Cyberpunk 2077 is Getting Some Hate from Players

When it comes to video games that are as popular as Cyberpunk 2077, you can always expect a few trolls or haters that will try to rip on the game and call it terrible. This is the case for Cyberpunk 2077 as well, as a few players are calling it a complete mess. But unfortunately, you could argue that a few of these players actually have a good point. If you haven’t played Cyberpunk 2077 for yourself and are wondering where all this hate is coming from, here are the main reasons why this is happening.

  1. Terrible Bugs and Glitches

The first reason given here is also the most popular reason behind all the hate Cyberpunk is getting. Regardless of what platform you’re playing on, it is absolutely inarguable that Cyberpunk 2077 is a buggy mess filled. There are lots of bugs and lots of glitches in the game, and some of these have ended up frustrating players to the point where they’ve completely stopped playing the game. Bugs and glitches are usually harmless, and in fact, some of them are downright hilarious and actually make the experience more enjoyable. This definitely isn’t the case with some of the glitches in Cyberpunk though. The first example of this would be all the game-breaking bugs and glitches that most players are encountering.

If you’re on an important mission or just haven’t shaved in a while, you might think of opening the map to get an overview of Night City to get an idea of where you are and where you need to head next. You’d expect no problems with this. But sometimes, the map doesn’t load and all that happens is that the game crashes. While autosave usually does help out in these situations, sometimes players have to start from much further back than where they were when the game crashed. Another few popular glitches are when you’re in chase missions and enemies and vehicles just fly off the map. In short, these bugs and glitches are ruining the experience for some players, and it’s why lots of people are hating on it.

2. Development Time and Constant Delays

No one had any problems when they found out Cyberpunk isn’t releasing anytime soon. As already mentioned, lots of people were supportive as they knew they need to wait for a truly great experience. However, no one had expected that it would take as long as it did. Cyberpunk was announced in 2012 and came out at the very end of 2020. That is a bit more than 8 whole years. When the time came around to 2016/2017 and people found out they still weren’t very close to the release of the game, a few people were very disappointed. Then came 2018/19 and the game still wasn’t released, despite there so much talking that it was set to release in these years.

Then came 2020. In this year, Cyberpunk 2077 had many different release dates and was constantly delayed again and again. The reason why players are hating on the game so much for these delays especially after its release is that the game still obviously isn’t a finished product. Cyberpunk still has many problems like the above mentioned bugs and glitches. As many players understandably claim, these are issues that should’ve easily been cleared out in the huge 8-year development time it took CD Projekt Red to create Cyberpunk 2077.

3. Short Campaign Length

Lastly, another thing that a lot of people dislike about Cyberpunk 2077 is its main campaign length. This is something that a lot of people and critics mentioned in their reviews for the game as well, as it takes about 15-20 hours to beat the game if you focus on main quests. This is relatively short given the campaign length of most other games nowadays. This isn’t a popular reason for all the hate Cyberpunk 2077 is getting, but it is still a small reason why it isn’t getting the perfect reviews from players and critics that you’d expect it to.

Why All This Hate is Unfair

The hate that Cyberpunk 2077 is getting is arguably justified, but it definitely isn’t fair once you get down to thinking about it. The bugs and glitches are something that will undoubtedly be fixed in the coming weeks as the developers will release several updates to fix the issues. It was also the players themselves that pressured CD Projekt Red into releasing the game too early. Then comes the amount of time it took to release the game in the first place. You could say that the critical reviews for this are justified. As for the campaign length, those remarks aren’t that justified at all. The game has plenty of side content for players to spend several hours into.

On top of this, there’s a huge amount of replayability in Cyberpunk 2077, as there are hundreds of different ways that you can go about playing the game and multiple different endings you can unlock. All players have to do now is wait for a patch to fix the bugs and glitches, after which it will be even better and more immersive than it already is. The developers are even offering full refunds for all those that aren’t happy with the game at this point, which is why all the hate that Cyberpunk 2077 is getting isn’t as fair as you’d expect.