Streamer Info – theKarzu Gaming Reviews, Community & Gameplay Tue, 22 Dec 2020 19:04:10 +0000 es-MX hourly 1 Streamer Info – theKarzu Gaming 32 32 Getting Started on Twitch: What You Do Need Tue, 08 Sep 2020 22:50:49 +0000 Many gamers have already shown the world just how successful you can be playing video games. which has motivated more gamers to get started streaming.

Its easy to look at gamers like Ninja, PewDiePie, or Shroud and forget that they weren’t always that successful. They had to start from the bottom just like a bunch of gamers are starting today.

When getting started it is easy to get lost in a sea of information telling you:

“oh this is what you need”,

“no get this instead”,

“no this pc is definitely what you need, also don’t forget to get that keyboard with the RGB lights”.

Before you know it you end up more confused than when you first started your research.

But those days are over!

I have done the research for you and put together a complete list of things that you absolutely need as a starting twitch streamer.

Number One Thing

The number one thing you need to understand that everything you heard about needing an ultimate set up before you start streaming, is false.

There are countless twitch streamers who are successful today but started small, with a console/PC and a headset.

As long as you have a personality that people can relate to in addition to good content/quality stream, then you should be pretty good shape to get started.

What You Need 

Here is a list of things you will need to simply get started streaming.

An account

Whether you are planning on streaming on either Twitch, Youtube, or Facebook you are going to need an account and you will not be able to do anything without one.

Engaging Content

You are going to have to choose what type of content it is you are going to stream. 

If you want to stream games then you have to make sure you are either entertaining when you play or that you are really good at the game you are playing. (Bonus points if you can do both).

Relatable Personality: Nothing is worse than watching a doorknob play your favorite game. 

Personally I would be more likely to go find another streamer than hang around to see what happens next.

It is also very important to pay attention to your chat when you stream. Interact with the people that come to watch you play. If you want to play the game by yourself without talking then there is no point in you streaming. You do that anytime.


Console/PC: If you have a PS4 or the XBOX One then thankfully those consoles come with a built-in capture card and they let you stream your games from the consoles themselves.

If you have a PlayStation 5 or an Xbox Series X, they come with even better capture cards.

Now it isn’t so bad to stream from your console.

If you have a PC you would have to get your own capture card if your pc does not already come with one.

OBS Studio

This is a free program that will help you in managing all of your stream elements. It will handle things like transitions, video capturing, audio mixing, hotkeys, and lots of other things that will help the entire experience for both you and your audience.

You can get and start playing with OBS Studio here.


As you can see, it doesn’t take much to get started streaming.

With the way technology is today, you can easily get started right away. 

Don’t think you need to most expensive set up to start sharing your gaming experience with the world.

Also, keep in mind that because you start like this, does not mean your stream will stay like this. Keep in mind that your stream is your business. This means that as it grows, you should be investing in it to increase the quality of things so it can grow more.

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