Games – theKarzu Gaming Reviews, Community & Gameplay Mon, 11 Jan 2021 22:32:56 +0000 es-MX hourly 1 Games – theKarzu Gaming 32 32 4 New Additions to World of Warcraft in the Shadowlands Expansion Thu, 14 Jan 2021 09:30:00 +0000 World of Warcraft was once undeniably the most popular game in the entire world. Back when it first came out and the few years that followed, millions upon millions actively played the MMORPG. It took the entire gaming industry by storm. But it has been well over a decade since all of this.

While it is certainly still popular enough once you take its release date into consideration, WoW is no longer the famed game that it once was.

However, the game has recently seen a huge surge when it comes to active players, and this is all thanks to the recently released Shadowlands expansion.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is the eighth and currently the latest expansion that has been released for the game. Shadowlands is a huge step for the game, and this step is definitely in the right direction as well.

Ever since its release, thousands of new players have started playing the game, and thousands of more that used to play in the past have returned as well.

The expansion brings lots of changes to the game as well as lots of new content, and it has been quite well received by fans and critics alike.

If you’re one of many players looking to get into World of Warcraft after the release of the Shadowlands expansion, here is a small rundown of everything new it brings to the game. Continue reading below to find out exactly what it has in store for players.

A Summary of the World of Warcraft Shadowlands Expansion

  1. Advanced Character Customization

One of the things that most of the older WoW will be glad to hear is that the Shadowlands brings lots of new customization possibilities for your custom character in the game.

You can make the hero that you’ve always wanted to make thanks to all the new options that have arrived in the character customization menu. There are lots of new hairstyles for each type of character, there are lots of different new tattoos that you can try out on your character, and much more.

There is now even an option to change the skin tone of your character to many different color options.

Along with this, there are lots of different accessories to add to your character’s apparel as well, including a wide new range of earrings. All of these different customization options can be accessed at the Barber Shop or through the Appearance Alligator in Oribos and Azeroth respectively.

2. New Regions

One of the main things that have been added to World of Warcraft following the latest Shadowlands expansion are the entirely new regions, as well as the new world.

This new world is known as the Shadowlands itself, which is also the name of the expansion itself. The Shadowlands is a place where the departed are sent to after their mortal life has ended.

Depending on exactly how a specific mortal lives their life, they are sent to one of the many different regions that are featured in the Shadowlands. There is a total of 5 said regions, and all 5 are also accessible for players. These 5 regions are the new regions that have been introduced to the game with the latest expansion.

Every single one of the regions has a little story to it. The names of these new regions are, The Maw, Bastion, Ardenweald, Revendreth, and lastly, Maldraxxus.

Bastion is the region where mortals are given the highest duty that they can possibly be given, which is to carry souls of the deceased to the shadowlands.

The Maw on the other hand is the most disturbing of the 5 new regions, where the worst of the worst mortal spirits are sent to suffer for eternity. It is also said that one of the strongest beings in all of WoW is chained deep inside of The Maw, and the entire universe would be destroyed if said being was released.

Like this, every single region has a little bit of an interesting story behind it which can be further explored by doing specific quests for each region and paying some extra attention to your surroundings.

3. Changes to Levelling

The levelling system in the game has also been altered, and many would argue that this alteration was for the better.

These changes are meant to make the mechanic feel much better than it was, and to serve as a means of preparing the newer adventurers for all that they are set to face in the new expansion.

Each increase in level also provides a much more meaningful increase in power as well as more progress. Players will have to level up all the way to 50 before they can finally make their way to the Shadowlands, but the new changes to the leveling system make much less of a grind than it sounds like.

The level cap has been changed as well, allowing level 50 players to now reach 60.

4. New Gameplay Features and Modes

One of the most important changes made to the game is obviously the set of additions that have been introduced with World of Warcraft Shadowlands.

The main new feature and probably the best one that comes to mind are the Covenants. The Covenants are basically a feature like factions which has been seen in many games before this.

You choose one of four new Covenants that have been added to the game, and you get special bonuses by doing so. Every single one has unique pros and cons, meaning that you should choose carefully.

There is also the Torghast, which is an entirely new mode that players can spend an endless amount of time on. That’s because the Torghast is an infinitely long dungeon.

This new mode plays a lot like dungeon crawler games. It goes on forever and you can approach it on your own or in a group with all of your friends that also play WoW.

Depending on how far off you make it into the Torghast, you’ll get amazing awards that will greatly help you on your journey as you delve deeper into the Shadowlands.

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How to Make the Best Build Possible In Cyberpunk 2077 Thu, 07 Jan 2021 09:08:00 +0000 Cyberpunk 2077 has finally arrived in the hands of fans all around the world after its recent release in December 2020.

While the wait was certainly huge, some might argue that it wasn’t worth it. Cyberpunk 2077 turned out to have lots of bugs and glitches, which ultimately resulted in lots of backlash from critics and fans alike.

Some of these bugs and glitches turned out to be game-breaking, and there was even a scene in between which completely wiped out the save files of some players and forced them to start over.

While all of this was quite frustrating, CD Projekt Red is taking the right steps in order to ensure Cyberpunk 2077’s gameplay gets much better in terms of bugs.

Regardless of what others have to say, for the time being, there’s no doubt that the core gameplay of Cyberpunk 2077 is awfully fun once you look past the bugs.

There are all sorts of action and all sorts of enemies to go up against. A small problem with this is that sometimes you have to deal with all these different enemies at the same time.

The combat definitely isn’t something you can easily get used to, but having a great build by your side is a great way of making sure you do much better.

That being said, continue reading below to find out how you can create the best possible build for yourself depending on your own playstyle.

Making The Best Build In Cyberpunk 2077:

There are lots of weapons, lots of cyberware enhancements, and lots of different perks that you can use in Cyberpunk 2077.

All of these are great in their own way, but some are obviously better than the rest when it comes to a player’s personal preferences and playstyle.

That being said, here is a small summary of the best guns, best cyberware, and best perks that you can use in Cyberpunk, depending on the way that you yourself play the game.

The Best Type of Guns

The answer to this is pretty straightforward and anyone can guess what it is. There are snipers, assault rifles, high damaging pistols and revolvers, shotguns, and much more of the sort in the game.

Depending on the type of player that you are, you can easily guess which type of gun you should use. If your V has a good weight carrying capabilities, you can keep just about a single type of gun on you. But you can only keep 3 specific ones equipped at a specific time.

Your main weapon should be a sniper if you like to play from afar and stay clear of danger.

If you’re one that likes to get right into the middle of things and wreak havoc you should go with shotguns, grenade launchers, missile launchers, or anything of the sort which can help you annihilate enemies.

There’s also the option to use some really cool katanas and swords as well, which you can also choose if you’re into fast paced combat and are capable of completely outsmarting enemies with your movements.

Assault rifles work best if you prefer a balanced approach. Like this, you can easily decide which weapon you should be using.

The game will tell you itself which specific gun out of each type is the best when you compare them in the inventory, so there’s no need to look up what guns are the best out of all the different types.

The Best Cyberware

Cyberpunk features Cyberware enhancements, which act as upgrades for your V while you have them downloaded into your system. Choosing the best one out of all these is quite difficult. This obviously also depends on your own playstyle.

For example, it is highly recommended that you go with cyberware enhancements that help keep you alive, like Second Heart which automatically shifts your health back to 100% whenever it goes to 0%.

This is one of the best cyberware in the game and it only has a recharge time of 2 minutes.

Alternatively, you can also choose something for your movement as that helps a lot with melee.

Movement and health related cyberware are great for both melee weapon and assault rifle users.

If you’re looking to cause some serious damage as a tank-based character, you can get the projectile system cyberware which gives you the ability to launch lots of powerful projectiles at will.

There is even cyberware which allows you to slow down time drastically, which drastically helps for all types of builds. Depending on your own preference, you can get any of these or experiment with others too if you prefer to see which one works best for yourself.

The Best Types of Perks

Last but not least is the perk system.

This is found in many video games, so it doesn’t exactly need any introduction.

There are many different perks in the game, and you can only use a few specific ones at a time. Every single type of perk helps with a specific aspect.

If you’re someone that uses lots of assault rifles, the best perks for you are the Assault category perks. As the name obviously suggest, Blade perks help a lot with katanas and swords and you should use them if you intend to use either weapon. Street Brawler perks are very helpful for hand-to-hand combat, and you can use these if you prefer that.

It isn’t necessary to only get damage dealing perks though, as sometimes playing it safe is better than going all out.

That’s why you should also focus on perk types like Quickhacking, Athletics, Engineering, and more of the sort. These also help out a lot.

There’s lots of different perks within all of these types and all of them have their own bonuses. Which one works best out of all these different perks is up to the way that you play the game.

As long as you know which type to use for your build, you’re certainly going to become a much better player of Cyberpunk 2077.

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Which Is The Best Lifepath To Choose In Cyberpunk 2077? Tue, 05 Jan 2021 09:18:00 +0000 Cyberpunk 2077 recently came out on December 10, 2020, after years of waiting. The launch of the game wasn’t exactly how most would have expected it to be.

There were lots of problems with the game at launch, all of which were related to different types of bugs and game-breaking glitches. But regardless of what the gameplay is like and whatever problems it may or may not have anymore, one thing that nobody can deny is that Cyberpunk 2077 has an excellent storyline with lots of different possibilities.

As you already know, the way that the game plays out is entirely dependent on a player’s choices.

One of the biggest choices of all that players have to make is deciding which lifepath they want to start off with.

Depending on which lifestyle you decide to choose, there will be lots of different changes and options here and there that are easily noticeable. That means you’ll need to choose carefully when it comes to your V’s lifepath in your first Cyberpunk 2077 playthrough. That’s what we’re here to help players such as yourself with.

Best Lifepath In Cyberpunk 2077:

The first thing that you need to know is that Cyberpunk’s gameplay isn’t affected much at all by which specific lifepath you decide to begin with. The only real difference is with the story, and this difference is quite noticeable.

You get all sorts of unique dialogue in specific interactions depending on which one you choose to start with.

Your V’s relationship with some characters is also affected by your lifepath. That’s why it’s important you make the right call on your first playthrough.

We’ve given a detailed comparison of all the differences between each of the three life paths, so check this comparison out and go with the one which you end up liking the most.

Street Kid

Up first is the Street Kid, which is also considered the most popular and preferred lifepath for anyone looking to start their first playthrough with the game.

When you choose this option, your V will be a character that grew up on the street and knows Night City like no other.

You know all there is to know about the city and its different spots as if it were the back of your own hand.

You’ll have great bonds with lots of other people that grew up on the streets and know the same struggles that your V does. You’ll also have quite a bit of street rep to your name.

You’ll be starting off in a very violent part of Night City which is known as Heywood. This district will be filled with hardened gang members and street kids such as yourself.

If you don’t make any wrong moves, you’re likely to fit in very nicely. If you’re interested in a good underdog story as well as immersing yourself in a great Night City experience, Street Kid is arguably the best option that you have.

The means through which you meet many of the different characters in the game will also be quite different if you end up choosing this specific route.


In Cyberpunk 2077, Nomads are people that are usually found in groups.

However, if you choose this as your lifepath, you’ll be starting off all alone. Your V will have left their nomad group behind, and you’ll be starting the game in an area that’s actually a bit far away from Night City.

This means that you won’t automatically be in Night City once the game starts, which is certainly different from the other two lifepaths. In fact, this will be your V’s first time ever making it to the city and experiencing all the different things it has in store.

If you’re looking to experience Night City as a completely unfamiliar new arrival to the city, then this is your best option.

Much like yourself, your V won’t have much knowledge about the city either. You’ll be diving in with a blank slate and making new connections with all sorts of different people.

Players will also be subjected to some hostility though, as outsiders to Night City are usually associated with smuggling and other crimes of the sort. Some of the dialogue options are great as well if you choose Nomad, and it is a good option much like the other two lifepaths as well.


Corporate is the third and final option that Cyberpunk 2077 provides players when it comes to lifepaths.

It is definitely the fanciest looking one, as it puts players in control of a V that is already quite familiar with the city while also being a big-shot corporate businessperson.

As a V that chooses the Corporate lifepath, pretty much nothing will matter more to you than your personal success. You’ll be taking down anyone that tries to get in your way, and you’ll be using the most of your resources in order to do so.

The main difference between Corporate and the other paths is that there is a relatively less struggle at the start.

Your character has some military grade cybernetics already and most of the characters in the game are already familiar with you, while some are even close friends.

A main example of this is Jackie Welles.

While you’ll have to build your friendship with him in other lifepaths, you’ll already be close friends with him while playing as a Corporate V.

This lifepath certainly has lots of interesting storylines and dialogues. It delves much further into the corrupted corporations of Night City, and your journey to topple them all.

All three lifepaths that Cyberpunk 2077 are certainly great, and it is definitely recommended that you try to play at least once with all of them.

But the first playthrough is obviously the most special.

You can decide which of the three paths you choose for your first playthrough using the comparison above in order to see which one interests you the most.

Keep in mind there are multiple other differences as well, but these are the ones with a minimal amount of spoilers for the game.

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6 Best Game Releases Of 2020 Thu, 31 Dec 2020 17:13:05 +0000 2020 might not have been a great year in general, but it has definitely been one of the greatest years ever in the history of gaming.

Not only have we got some absolutely amazing new video games this year, but we’ve also got to see the release of the new consoles, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X.

There has been a very large variety of amazing games this year, and it’s very difficult to make a choice between them. Now that 2020 is coming to an end, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best game releases of the year 2020, in no particular order.

Best Game Releases Of The Year 2020:

1. Spider-Man: Miles Morales

spiderman miles morales

Up first is one of the more recent games that were released.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a PlayStation exclusive that has gotten very positive reviews from both critics and the general public alike, and it must be said that these positive reviews are well-deserved.

As the name suggests, the game follows the journey of Miles Morales instead of Peter Parker himself. It has lots of the great mechanics and the amazingly fun web-slinging from Spider-Man PS4, while also having lots of new great additions that make it feel fresh.

The story is touching, the visuals are amazing, and the characters are all very well written. All in all, Spider-Man: Miles Morales is definitely a game worth trying out, and is definitely one of the best that 2020 had to offer.

2. DOOM: Eternal

doom eternal

Undeniably one of the greatest first-person shooters of all time, there’s no surprise that DOOM: Eternal finds its name on yet another best of 2020 list.

The game obviously has a lot of action which the DOOM franchise is highly famed for. But what’s unique about DOOM: Eternal is that it has a very interesting and fun story line behind it as well, something which a majority of other games in the series lack. This story is filled with awesome reveals about the history of DOOM, lots of lore for the fans of the franchise to learn about, and just some pretty amazing moments with the Doom Slayer.

DOOM: Eternal also has one of the best soundtracks that you’ll find in this year or any other, as composer Mick Gordon has done an amazing job yet again, just like he did with DOOM 2016.

3. The Last of Us: Part 2

the last of us 2

No matter what you have to say about the story of The Last of Us: Part 2, there’s no denying that the game is great in almost every other aspect.

The graphics are absolutely breathtaking, the music is brilliant, the characters and all of their journeys are highly emotional, and the game play, specifically the gun play, is very enjoyable and brutal.

The performances of all those involved in the motion capturing and voice acting were amazing too, and they all brought their characters to life brilliantly. There’s definitely a lot of controversy surrounding the game, but it has to be said that The Last of Us: Part 2 is one of the best games that was released in 2020.

4. Hades


Hades is a game that a lot of people haven’t heard about, but it is still one of the best-reviewed games of 2020 despite that.

While the game has been in early access for a long time, it was officially released in 2020 and is a strong contender for anyone’s game of the year. The brilliant rogue-like game provides players with brilliant hack and slasher game play and a huge cast of amazing, lovable characters.

Hades is based on the son of Hades, Zagreus himself. Zagreus has had enough of the underworld and intends to leave, but his father is not a fan of the idea at all and tries to stop him.

You take control of Zagreus and go on a challenging adventure while being aided by Olympian gods like Zeus, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Dionysus, and many more.

There’s a lot of replayability in Hades and a huge story line.

The game is overall a surprising experience.

5. Half Life: Alyx

half life alyx

Undoubtedly the best VR game to be released this year and arguably the best to be released on the platform ever, Half-Life: Alyx is solid proof that Virtual Reality is capable of being the future of gaming.

The game is a well awaited new addition to the extremely popular Half-Life franchise and is exclusive for Virtual Reality. It is set between the time gap of Half-Life: 1 and Half-Life: 2, and is all about the fight against an alien race referred to as the Combine.

It is a brilliant utilization of the technology of Virtual Reality and is certainly one of the best and most impressive gaming experiences of 2020.

6. Ghost of Tsushima

ghost of tsushima

The final addition to this list is Sucker Punch’s Ghost of Tsushima. This is a game that everyone had seriously high hopes for, and somehow is still surprised most players by how great it is.

Ghost of Tsushima follows the highly emotional journey of Jin Sakai, who must make an important decision between his morals and his home. It is set during the 13th century, back when the Mongols attacked the island of Tsushima in real life. The game has some absolutely amazing visuals for players thanks to its breathtaking art direction.

Every area in the game is vibrant and filled with natural beauty, and there is certainly never a boring moment with all the Mongols terrorizing Tsushima.

You’ll be taking control of Jin and liberating the island while contemplating your own choices while being treated to some great landscapes and a beautiful soundtrack.

Like all the other games mentioned so far, Ghost of Tsushima is certainly an amazing game that is worthy of being called one of the best games to be released this year.

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4 Massive Leaks Due To The Cyberattack On Capcom Thu, 24 Dec 2020 16:00:25 +0000 Capcom is one of gaming’s most iconic companies out there. While it may have majorly fallen from grace a few years ago, it came back to life with the release of amazing games like Resident Evil 7, the Resident Evil2 and 3 remakes, DMC 5, and more. It is also in general the studio behind amazing series like Dino Crisis, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Devil May Cry, Dragons Dogma, Megaman, and much more, which is exactly why it’s so iconic in the gaming world. But quite recently, Capcom has been attacked, and this attack can turn out to be seriously harmful to the brand as a whole.

All The Leaks Due To The Recent Cyberattack on Capcom

resident evil village

If you aren’t completely familiar with everything that’s going on, Capcom was the victim of a cyberattack in November 2020 which resulted in massive leaks. This cyberattack was much bigger than you would ever expect. In fact, it turned out to be absolutely huge as lots of important information was leaked because of it. In fact, the attack still hasn’t stopped as Capcom continues to suffer because of it. There is more and more information being leaked because of the same cyberattack on the brand. Here is a breakdown of all the important leaks that were revealed during the cyberattack on Capcom:

1. An Entire List of Capcom’s Upcoming Scheduled Releases

One of the biggest things leaked during this attack is the list of upcoming games being developed by the many different studios of Capcom. These are all the Capcom games coming out in the next few years. While there isn’t a release date with them, there is the expected time period in which these games are set to release. Up first on the list is Resident Evil Outrage. This one is very surprising, as it is scheduled for a Q4 2021 release. Resident Evil 8 is also set to come out in 2021 and there hasn’t ever been any information shared before RE: Outrage before this, so it’s very interesting to see what this is.

Then there is the well-awaited sequel to Dragon’s Dogma, simply referred to as Dragon’s Dogma 2. This is scheduled for Q2 2022. Up next is Street Fighter 6, for Q3 2022. Another Q3 2022 game is Megaman Match. Apart from this there is also Biohazard (known as Resident Evil) Apocalypse for Q3 2020. Then there is a stranger entry simply known as FFS6 which is to be released in Q4 2023. After that, a remake of Capcom’s classic Final Fight is also scheduled for Q2 2024. Then there is another remake, this time of Power Stone. This will be released in Q3 2024, followed by ‘’Ultra SF6’’ Q4 2024 which is likely a premium version of Street Fighter 6. Last on this list is another Resident Evil game. This is translated as RE: Hank, but it could likely be RE: Hunk based on the iconic and mysterious Hunk from the original Resident Evil 2. There are 2 other games as well, which have a special mention of their own down below.

2. Monster Hunter 6 and Resident Evil 4 Remake

Regardless of what series you’re a fan of or which games you love the most, there’s no denying that the Resident Evil 4 remake and Monster Hunter 6 are the biggest names out of all the leaked games. Monster Hunter is Capcom’s best-selling franchise, and the recently released Monster Hunter 5 which is referred to as Monster Hunter: World, was a major hit. Millions of users played it, and a huge majority of said millions loved it. Now these new leaks suggest that we’re finally getting a sequel, which will likely be even bigger and filled with even more monsters for players to fight.

Up next is the Resident Evil 4 remake. RE 4 is undoubtedly one of the greatest games ever, at least that is what the general public and a majority of critics believe. Many people are skeptical about this remake as the original Resident Evil 4 still holds up perfectly even to this day and is very enjoyable. Many also don’t want Capcom to ruin the iconic game, which is possible. But if the history of RE remakes is anything to go by, we can surely expect Resident Evil 4 remake to be a worthy heir to the original.

3. Major Resident Evil 8 Leaks

Probably one of the most harmful things that happened during this attack was the leaks of Resident Evil 8’s development build. This actually happened very recently, during December 13, 2020. This leaked copy of the development build is basically the entire game at its essence. That means all of the cutscenes, the major plot points and reveals, as well as the ending to the highly awaited Resident Evil: Village have been leaked. That’s why it’s recommended that you stay away from most Resident Evil related pages on social media until April 2021, which is the reported release date of the game according to leaks.

4. Huge Leaks of Personal Information

The main leaks out of all which are sure to cause major legal problems for Capcom are the personal info leaks. These were also spread online as a result of the cyberattack, and now many of Capcom’s customers and employees, as well as their important personal information, are at risk as a result. The main problem is the billing information of thousands of people that was leaked as a result of the cyberattack. Capcom is obviously tasked with the duty to protect said information when they receive it, and this could turn out to be a huge problem as they failed to do so.

Many people are very clearly, obviously, and justifiably upset, and there’s little that Capcom can say or do about it as of now. The leaks are continuing even to this day, with the biggest recent leak being the RE: Village development builds mentioned above. For now, we can just wait and see whether or not Capcom will fix the issue before any further harm can be done or even more info will be leaked regarding Capcom’s future projects and more.

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5 Cool Things To Know About The New Among Us Map Tue, 22 Dec 2020 16:00:57 +0000 Among Us developers Innersloth teased an entirely new map for the game. This surprised many, as the Polus map in the game only came out some months ago which is why no one expected that an entirely new map would be releasing so soon. But after the recent huge surge in popularity of Among Us, the developers claim that they wished to add yet another map to the game, likely to keep the game from getting too repetitive. Little information was shared with players regarding the new map, expect for the fact that it was based on the iconic Henry Stickmin series which was also made by Innersloth. But all this has changed now!

Every Important Detail You Should Know About the New Among Us Map

At the Game Awards 2020 event, players finally got to see exactly what this new map is and all the new things that it brings to the game. Here is a summary of all the important information regarding Among Us’ new map, which has officially been title ‘’The Airship’’.

1. The Lore Behind the Airship

Among Us is a very cute looking game at first glance with adorable bean shaped characters that everyone loves. Even the developers and social media accounts make it out to be a cute game, but it is the exact opposite of that when you get invested into the lore of Among Us. The game is actually quite dark at its core, which is quite obvious once you learn more about the story behind the game.

As with every map released for Among Us over the years, the Airship also progresses the story and dives deeper into the world of the game, as well as the struggle of the crewmates to get rid of all the impostors. We know little in this department so far, except for the fact that it’s likely we are now inside the planet of the crewmates and that the Airship is likely connected to Polus in more ways than one. But that isn’t confirmed so far, so we’ll just have to wait and see for now.

2. New Cosmetics

Another thing that you probably know about at this point is that a new map also means a lot of new cosmetics based around the map. For example, there were the skins that released alongside Polus and all those that paid for the map before it way available for free got these limited edition skins. They also got other cosmetics related to the game other than these skins, such as Polus themed hats and all. It has been confirmed that we’ll be seeing Airship themed cosmetics as well when the map finally arrives. What these cosmetics will be to be exact remains to be seem.

Some little details shared about the cosmetics confirmed that a lot of the new cosmetics being added alongside the Airship will be Henry Stickmin themed, exactly like the map itself which is also based on Henry Stickmin. We already have some cosmetics based on the popular game, such as a small Henry Stickmin pet and more, so it’s interesting to see how these will be different.

3. Price

One of the things that most people are worried about is the price of the new map in Among Us. For a short while, Polus and all its exclusive cosmetics were only available to the people that paid for it. This was the only way players could play Polus until it was made free for everyone, but all the exclusive cosmetics obviously only remained for players that paid. Because of this, many are worried if they’ll have to pay to unlock the Airship before it is made free some months later.

Luckily, Innersloth has confirmed that no such thing will be happening again in the case of the Airship. The map will be free to play from the start and the millions that currently play Among Us can dive right into it the second that its released. The exclusive cosmetics for the Airship which were mentioned above are probably going to be paid DLC though.

4. All the New Tasks and Features

Every single map before the Airship has had exclusive tasks. For examples, there’s the watering can task in Mira HQ, the nodes in Polus, and the engine alignment task in the Skeld, as well as many more depending on the task in question. So, as expected, the Airship will have exclusive tasks as well. As we’ve learnt from the presentation at the Game Awards 2020, the new Airship map will have lots of new tasks that will add more to the game. A couple of new tasks which we saw showed one of the players inspecting and cleaning up a gem. Another task is a new take on the garbage task found in all other maps. This task requires players to take out a trash bag from a small bin and sort it out so that the garbage bag can fit into the bin. For now, these two tasks are the new ones which are confirmed.

There’s also lots of other cool features to look out for as well. One of these is the feature which allows you to decide exactly which room you want to spawn in. Rather than spawning in one main room with all other crewmates, each crewmate has the option to decide which specific room they want to spawn in. There are a total of three different options, and players don’t get to know which other player chose to spawn in which room. There are also ladders and floating platforms in the new map which will greatly effect movement and allow even crewmates to travel the relatively huge new map in a quicker amount of time.

5. Release Date

That’s pretty much a wrap for the list of all the important things we know about the new map introduced in Among Us. Among Us developers reveal an all-new map, The Airship, coming early 2021 – The Verge As there’s no price, you’ll be able to jump into the Airship with your friends and millions of other players as soon as it launches.

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4 Interesting Things To Expect From The Game Awards 2020 Event Tue, 15 Dec 2020 16:00:02 +0000 The Game Awards are arguably the most awaited awards of the entire year when it comes to gaming. Lots of people tend to trust their judgment above all else, and lots of developers and produces reveal a lot of cool stuff during the events. The most awaited thing is obviously the awarding ceremony itself, specifically the Game of the Year Award, which is awarded to the best game released in the entire year. This is certainly very interesting to see this year, as we’ve got an amazing lineup of games competing against one another for the award. We’re finally so close to seeing the award ceremony on December 10, 2020, when it is set to be held. Before that day, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best things that you can expect from the Game Awards annual event in 2020.

The Most Anticipated Things To Expect From The Game Awards 2020


game of the year presenters

One of the more underappreciated things about this great award show is the presenters that are called on to host the show. Every year, the people behind the Game Awards call upon all sorts of iconic gaming presences, voice actors, and celebrities, and it must be said that they certainly liven up the show. In the last few years, we got some pretty awesome presenters, like Christopher Judge and Sunny Suljic, the voice actors of Kratos and Atreus respectively from the God of War franchise. We also got Vin Diesel and Michelle Rodriguez from the Fast & Furious franchise, Overwatch director Jeff Kaplan, and many more.

This year, the presenters are once again expected to be great and to liven up the show. We’ve already received official confirmation about a few of them, including DC’s Wonder Woman Actress Gal Gadot, Marvel’s Captain Marvel Actress Brie Larson, and more. Stephen A. Smith, the highly popular sports presenter, and Swedish Chef, the highly lovable Muppet, will also be two of the presenters. These 4 have been confirmed so far, and we’ll get to see many more during the event as well.


elden ring

Speaking of things that we’re going to get to see during the Game Awards 2020, you can definitely expect some trailers for highly awaited games as well as reveals for new games and DLC for existing ones. These reveals are definitely one of the best parts of the show which gets people so excited about it in the first place. One thing that we’re likely to see during the Game Awards 2020 is Elden Ring itself, which is one of the most awaited games in the world right now. We’re also likely to see a few new characters that might be added to Smash Bros Ultimate in the coming months, as we also got to see during last year’s event.

Another thing which we could possibly see during the event is a more in-depth trailer for God of War: Ragnarok. This is a bit more unlikely than the rest though. The game was announced back in September of 2020, which wasn’t exactly very long ago. That’s why it’s a bit less likely we’ll be seeing a trailer, but one can certainly hope. But when it comes down to it, there’s a lot of potentials when it comes to possible reveals. We, along with many other players, certainly can’t wait to see what said reveals will be when the award show finally takes place.


game of the year orchestra

Another awesome thing about the Game Awards is the orchestra which they’ve been hosting for the last couple of events. This orchestra features a beautifully complied mix of the best tracks from all the game of the year award nominees, and fans absolutely loved it. Given all the highly positive public reviews for these orchestras, there’s almost not a doubt that we’ll be seeing another one this time too. One of the main reasons why that’s so exciting is because all the game of the year award nominees has some absolutely amazing music in their soundtrack, especially DOOM: Eternal, Ghost of Tsushima, The Last of Us 2, and Hades.

The Game of the Year Award Winner

game of the year award

By far the most exciting thing about the Game Awards each and every year is the Game of the Year award itself. There are awards in all sorts of different categories, but this is the one that players are most excited for without a doubt. This is especially true this year, as there have been many amazing releases this year. The nominees are filled with absolutely amazing games, and they’re definitely isn’t a clear winner this time around. You can’t say for sure who’ll win at all, as there are just such great options to choose from.

There’s the most controversial pick of them all, PlayStation exclusive The Last of Us 2, which also won Ultimate Game of the Year at the Golden Joysticks. There’s also another absolutely amazing PlayStation exclusive among the nominees, Ghost of Tsushima. GoT is the best-selling original PS4 exclusive ever and is arguably the people’s favorite among all the nominees. There’s DOOM: Eternal which is highly regarded as the greatest first-person shooter of all time when it comes to campaigns thanks to its amazing gameplay. On top of this, DOOM: Eternal also has a killer soundtrack, a very intriguing storyline, and lots of different weapons and mechanics for players to enjoy over and over again.

There’s the faithful remake for Final Fantasy 7 which was bound to be nominated. People had very high hopes for this remake, and it definitely lived up to the hype. All Final Fantasy fans loved to relive the classic experience in modern graphics, and the game even attracted many newer players to the franchise. Then there’s also Animal Crossing: New Horizons, a very calming and addicting experience which is also the highest selling new game of 2020 by a landslide.

Lastly, there is the dark horse Hades, which could end up being a surprise winner. The indie game features a very unique set of gameplay mechanics, a branching storyline that is filled with mysteries for players to uncover, highly addicting gameplay, and much more. In short, there have been many amazing games out this year, and these are arguably the best of the bunch. There’s definitely not a clear winner which you can expect to take the award home.

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4 New Cool Stuff Added In Fortnite Season 5 Update Wed, 09 Dec 2020 15:53:53 +0000 Fortnite is surprisingly still one of the most commonly played games across all platforms. While the hype around it has fallen off very noticeably, the game still has a huge player base. This is all thanks to the new events and other additions that are regularly made, as well as the crossovers with characters from highly popular comic books, movies, and even other video games. As you would expect, a lot of awesome stuff has been added to Fortnite yet again with the introduction of the Season 5 update. Here is a summary of all the major additions to Fortnite, along with a summary of the changes and effects that said additions will have on the game.

New Cool Stuff Added In Fortnite Season 5 Update

1. Help for Hire, and Rewards

One of the biggest changes introduced to Fortnite in Season 5 is the help to hire mechanic. This mechanic basically allows players to accept missions/quests while playing the battle royale mode as they normally would play it. These quests require players to perform all sorts of specific tasks. They add a lot more to the game. This was definitely a well-needed feature that makes the game feel fresh again and keeps players occupied while they aren’t in combat or running for their lives while the storm approaches.

Upon completion of a Help for Hire quest, players will receive rewards in the form of Bars. These Bars can be used to buy a number of different things while in a match, including some really great weaponry and other bonuses which can give you a huge advantage against other players. Eliminating other players and finding stashes that are hidden all across the island is also another way to earn these Bars if you aren’t interested in completing missions. All in all, this is certainly a great addition to the game which it really needed.

2. New Weapons

As you would very obviously expect from a multiplayer shooter, especially one like Fortnite, new weapons have been added to the game following the release of Season 5. A majority of these new weapons are very good and are definitely worth trying out. In fact, some of them might even be good enough to replace your current favorite gun as the number one on your list. One of the main ones is of course the Dragon’s Breath shotgun which was added to the game, and calling it just powerful is an understatement.

The Dragon’s Breath shotgun is a weapon that is capable of completely devastating enemies. If your aim is great, you can even take out enemies in one or two hits from up close. But this immense power obviously comes at a price. The Dragon’s Breath shotgun fires 4 shotgun shells every single time you fire, meaning that it eats away through your ammo. One of the main reasons why this is such a downside is that shotgun ammo isn’t exactly the easiest to found, at least not in huge amounts. But once you get the hang of using it, this new shotgun is one of the best weapons in the game. Another addition is the new rifle which has been pulled straight out of Star Wars. This is of course the Amban Sniper Rifle from the Star Wars franchise, and it’s certainly a well-rounded weapon. Not only does it have considerably great range and decent damage, it also has an attachment which is great for melee damage.

3. New Battle Pass (And Skins, Obviously)

Speaking of Star Wars, there’s obviously a lot of new skins coming to the game with the introduction of the new battle pass in Season 5. One of these skins also happens to include a skin which allows you to transform your character into Star Wars character the Mandalorian from the highly popular Disney+ series of the same name. This skin also features his adorable companion Grogu, much more popularly known as Baby Yoda. Like this, there’s lots of other cool skins as well, but it must be said that the Mando skin definitely stands out.

But there is one new skin added recently at the beginning of Season 5 which arguably stands out even more. This refers to of course, Kratos himself, the highly popular brute from the iconic God of War franchise. Kratos’ inclusion in Fortnite raised quite a few eyebrows on social media, but Fortnite players definitely love it. This crossover with The Mandalorian and God of War is just another example of how great Fortnite is at marketing and keeping itself alive ever since its release. Other than this, the battle pass contains the usual things that it always does, such as weapon skins, emotes, and more of the sort.

4. Story Elements

Even with the inclusion of all these great things, the most important and most awaited new additions Fortnite in Season 5 are definitely all the new story elements. At the end of the previous season, we saw a devastating event across the Fortnite map, for which Marvel supervillain Galactus was primarily responsible. In fact, this devastating event is actually what’s led to the inclusion of both Kratos and Mando in Fortnite.

Season 5 is called Zero Point, and it features bounty hunters from many different alternative realities, including Mandalorian from the Star Wars universe. All these different bounty hunters have joined forces and are set to fight something known as the loop. The loop will be further elaborated on along the lines by the looks of it, as we don’t know much about what this is. While the previous season mainly featured characters from the Marvel comic books, we now have a much larger variety of characters from all sorts of different worlds. That’s about it for the most important stuff you need to know regarding Season 5. There are some balancing changes and minor bug fixes as well, which will certainly have a positive effect on the game. Season 5 is certainly exciting and intriguing, and it’s finally out right now which means you can dive into it straight away.

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The Foreseeable Future of Gaming – 3 Great Things To Expect! Sun, 29 Nov 2020 20:52:09 +0000 There is barely anything in the world that is more popular than gaming, regardless of what kind. Almost every person that you’ll meet is bound to have played one or two games at the very least in their life, regardless of what platform. Millions around the world play video games with a passion and it is their favorite thing to do. Gaming is so popular because it has lots to offer for everyone. There are all kinds of games available out there and there’s at least one for everyone’s interests. In the present, we have great technology which has made gaming much better than it ever was. In the future, even all of this is bound to improve significantly. Here’s what we can expect when it comes to gaming in the near future.

What To Expect From The Future Of Gaming?

1. Upcoming Games

horizon forbidden west

One of the things which we can obviously expect is the release of amazing games. In recent years, we’ve been treated to some absolutely amazing gems, like Red Dead Redemption 2, God of War (2018), Resident Evil 2 Remake, Sekiro, Ghost of Tsushima, and so much more. All these great releases have made players appreciate gaming even more than before, and we’re bound to get games that are just as great or even greater in the future.

We’ve got games like Cyberpunk 2077, God of War: Ragnarok, Horizon: Forbidden West, Resident Evil 8, Elden Ring, etc. coming out. And most of these are just the amazing games that are coming out within a year or two, meaning that there’s much more to expect within the next 5 or so years. There are also bound to be some great games that will finally start to fully utilize the amazing potential of VR and AR, like Half-Life: Alyx that was released recently and is arguably the greatest VR game ever. This is very exciting as well, as players have been waiting for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality to live up to their expectations for many years, but a lack of great games didn’t make this possible up until now.

2. New Consoles and Gaming Technology

next gen controllers

The biggest thing in gaming as of this moment is inarguably the release of the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X/S. The new consoles are finally available for purchase and are a significant improvement over their predecessors. 4K gaming at much better frame rates has given consoles gaming much more desirable in the eyes of players. What’s even better is that these consoles haven’t even reached their full potential yet.

Like previous consoles before them, the Series X and PS5 have some minor and even a few major issues at launch that are ruining the experience for some. But this isn’t a problem that players will have to endure for long, as both consoles will surely be getting updates in the near future that will greatly boost their performance and remove most minor and major issues. There’s also bound to be an announcement of upgraded versions of both consoles like the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X was for the PS4 and Xbox One. There’s not much news about them at all right now and they aren’t even confirmed, but there’s little doubt that these upgraded versions of the PS5 and Series X are coming in the foreseeable future.

But this isn’t all there is to the new gaming tech, as we’re bound to see the release of new graphic cards by NVidia and AMD that will surpass even the PS5 and Series X. The new GPU by NVidia that does so is the RTX 3090. While there are other variations being released as well, this is by far the most powerful, but obviously the most expensive as well. It is capable of supporting video game output in 8K, meaning that we will be able to game in 8K on PC very soon with the NVidia RTX 3090. AMD is also releasing a GPU of its own which is meant to rival the RTX 3090. This is known as the AMD RX 6900 XT and is set to be a direct rival to the RTX 3090 at a much cheaper price. Both GPUs will also support 8K, meaning that PC gaming is about to get a serious graphics overhaul which will make upcoming games look more beautiful than anything we’ve ever seen before.

3. Advancements in Virtual Reality

virtual reality

As mentioned above, there are bound to be some enhancements coming to VR gaming as we know it. Half-Life: Alyx and Resident Evil 7 are solid proof that VR is in fact capable of being the future of gaming, as both were able to provide immersive experiences like none before them. Because of this, we’re bound to see at least a few upgrades made to Virtual Reality gaming in the coming years. For example, there have been lots of rumors going on nowadays that Sony has patented a new VR headset which will be a significant improvement over the first one meant for the PS4.

Speaking of VR headsets, we can definitely expect that they’ll be getting generally upgraded soon. It’s likely we’ll get to see headsets which provide players with a bigger, more dynamic field of view (FOV). We could potentially see headsets that aren’t as complicated to use in the near future. Like some current VR headsets, these will only use Wi-Fi to connect to devices and won’t require any cables or complicates set-up. The major difference is that these coming wireless VR headsets will be much less demanding in terms of connection to the device and won’t require an unreasonably fast connection to work perfectly. As mentioned, we’ll probably be seeing better VR games in the near future too.

All these new amazing games, awesome new tech, and upgrades to virtual reality gaming are great to think about. The best part is that they’re all closer than we think, meaning that the foreseeable future of gaming is definitely great and has something for everyone to keep themselves entertained. In short, you definitely have more than one reason to get excited.

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4 New And Exciting Changes Coming To Among Us Sun, 29 Nov 2020 20:52:05 +0000 There is absolutely no way you haven’t seen or heard something Among Us related recently if you’re active on social media. It is the most popular video game out of all right now, and millions are playing it every day across mobile and PC. To keep the game fresh and to make sure that all those playings stay hooked, the developers have revealed that they’re pushing out a huge update that will be adding a lot more to and apparently make it much better than it is right now. Down below is a detailed summary of all these exciting changes coming to Among Us, so continue reading if you’re interested in learning more!

What Are The Exciting Changes Coming To Among Us?

Before we dive into all the details, you should probably know exactly what these changes coming to Among Us are exactly. Following is everything set to be added to the game in the future:

  • An Entirely New Map
  • An Option for Color Blind Mode
  • Accounts System
  • Friends System
  • Server Issue Fixes
  • Other Minor Bug and Exploit Fixes

1. Among Us’ New Map

The most important and exciting addition coming to Among Us is arguably the new map which has been confirmed. We only got Polus in the game as a free-to-join map a few months ago in the middle of 2020, and now it’s been confirmed that an entirely new map is coming too. There have been little details shared about this map though, so we don’t have too much to get excited about at this point. It has been confirmed that players will finally be able to get a look at the new map on the 10th of December, 2020 during the annual Game Awards event.

One huge detail about this map has been confirmed though, and this detail is that the map is going to be heavily inspired by the Henry Stickmin games. There are many references to these games in Among Us already, and we’re about to see a whole map that will be dedicated to them. We’ve got an image of the map which shows us that it’s going to be extremely similar to the ship in Henry Stickmin, and we’ll get to know even more on December 10 when we get our first detailed look at the map during The Game Awards.

2. Color Blind Mode

Some people might not realize it, but the colorblind coming to Among Us in the major update is a huge feature that most will appreciate. Among Us is basically unplayable if you’re color blind, but that’s all going to change thanks to this feature. Colorblind people will be able to play the game without any problems in identifying different players or completing color based tasks. All in all, this was a heavily required feature in Among Us and it’s great news that it’s finally being added in the major update.

3. Accounts and Friends System

Another one of the best and most important things being added is an accounts system, which is arguably the most awaited feature of them all. This will finally allow players in Among Us to create their own accounts in the game and according to the developers, even report other players that are toxic, exploiting, cheating, or abusive. This will make Among Us a much more enjoyable game and every single match a much more enjoyable experience.

But that isn’t the main highlight at all, as the accounts system also opens the door to a friend system is Among Us! To be quite frank, there’s not exactly much fun in playing in public lobbies thanks to all the toxic or cheating players. But there are some rare occurrences where you find some great players that are respectful and smart. You’ll now be able to befriend these random players in Among Us and get to play with them again whenever you want. It will also be a lot easier to fill private lobbies with good players this way instead of having to let random players join that may or may not be fun to play with.

4. Server and Minor Bug Fixes

Server issues are one of the only bad things that you’ll be able to find when it comes to Among Us. The game is generally great, but there’s been a lot of problems with servers in recent times thanks to the millions of new players that have started playing the game all of a sudden. Players get randomly disconnected from games, are unable to join public or private lobbies, or play in a specific server at all during some times because of all these different server issues. This is definitely very annoying, but the developers have given players confirmation that a solution to these different server problems is definitely coming. Players can expect a lot fewer disconnects and a lot better performances once said solution goes live.

There’s also going to be some other minor fixes as well that will make the experience more enjoyable in their own way. We’ve also received news from the people behind the game that they’re taking extra steps to get rid of hackers and exploiters, which is another great thing. The anti-cheat system which was recently implemented was certainly effective at getting rid of all the hackers, but some have found ways to get past that as well. There’s little to worry about now though, as a majority of them should either get banned or stop using hacks once the developers deliver on their promise.

How This All Effects the Game

Among Us is definitely going to feel like a much different game when all these exciting major changes are dropped for the public, and it must be said that it is for the better. If all these changes turn out to be as great as they seem, Among Us will definitely be an even more enjoyable game. A new map, accounts and friends, better server performances, and a stand against hackers is definitely something to look forward to if you like playing Among Us!

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