Capcom is one of gaming’s most iconic companies out there. While it may have majorly fallen from grace a few years ago, it came back to life with the release of amazing games like Resident Evil 7, the Resident Evil2 and 3 remakes, DMC 5, and more. It is also in general the studio behind amazing series like Dino Crisis, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Devil May Cry, Dragons Dogma, Megaman, and much more, which is exactly why it’s so iconic in the gaming world. But quite recently, Capcom has been attacked, and this attack can turn out to be seriously harmful to the brand as a whole.

All The Leaks Due To The Recent Cyberattack on Capcom

resident evil village

If you aren’t completely familiar with everything that’s going on, Capcom was the victim of a cyberattack in November 2020 which resulted in massive leaks. This cyberattack was much bigger than you would ever expect. In fact, it turned out to be absolutely huge as lots of important information was leaked because of it. In fact, the attack still hasn’t stopped as Capcom continues to suffer because of it. There is more and more information being leaked because of the same cyberattack on the brand. Here is a breakdown of all the important leaks that were revealed during the cyberattack on Capcom:

1. An Entire List of Capcom’s Upcoming Scheduled Releases

One of the biggest things leaked during this attack is the list of upcoming games being developed by the many different studios of Capcom. These are all the Capcom games coming out in the next few years. While there isn’t a release date with them, there is the expected time period in which these games are set to release. Up first on the list is Resident Evil Outrage. This one is very surprising, as it is scheduled for a Q4 2021 release. Resident Evil 8 is also set to come out in 2021 and there hasn’t ever been any information shared before RE: Outrage before this, so it’s very interesting to see what this is.

Then there is the well-awaited sequel to Dragon’s Dogma, simply referred to as Dragon’s Dogma 2. This is scheduled for Q2 2022. Up next is Street Fighter 6, for Q3 2022. Another Q3 2022 game is Megaman Match. Apart from this there is also Biohazard (known as Resident Evil) Apocalypse for Q3 2020. Then there is a stranger entry simply known as FFS6 which is to be released in Q4 2023. After that, a remake of Capcom’s classic Final Fight is also scheduled for Q2 2024. Then there is another remake, this time of Power Stone. This will be released in Q3 2024, followed by ‘’Ultra SF6’’ Q4 2024 which is likely a premium version of Street Fighter 6. Last on this list is another Resident Evil game. This is translated as RE: Hank, but it could likely be RE: Hunk based on the iconic and mysterious Hunk from the original Resident Evil 2. There are 2 other games as well, which have a special mention of their own down below.

2. Monster Hunter 6 and Resident Evil 4 Remake

Regardless of what series you’re a fan of or which games you love the most, there’s no denying that the Resident Evil 4 remake and Monster Hunter 6 are the biggest names out of all the leaked games. Monster Hunter is Capcom’s best-selling franchise, and the recently released Monster Hunter 5 which is referred to as Monster Hunter: World, was a major hit. Millions of users played it, and a huge majority of said millions loved it. Now these new leaks suggest that we’re finally getting a sequel, which will likely be even bigger and filled with even more monsters for players to fight.

Up next is the Resident Evil 4 remake. RE 4 is undoubtedly one of the greatest games ever, at least that is what the general public and a majority of critics believe. Many people are skeptical about this remake as the original Resident Evil 4 still holds up perfectly even to this day and is very enjoyable. Many also don’t want Capcom to ruin the iconic game, which is possible. But if the history of RE remakes is anything to go by, we can surely expect Resident Evil 4 remake to be a worthy heir to the original.

3. Major Resident Evil 8 Leaks

Probably one of the most harmful things that happened during this attack was the leaks of Resident Evil 8’s development build. This actually happened very recently, during December 13, 2020. This leaked copy of the development build is basically the entire game at its essence. That means all of the cutscenes, the major plot points and reveals, as well as the ending to the highly awaited Resident Evil: Village have been leaked. That’s why it’s recommended that you stay away from most Resident Evil related pages on social media until April 2021, which is the reported release date of the game according to leaks.

4. Huge Leaks of Personal Information

The main leaks out of all which are sure to cause major legal problems for Capcom are the personal info leaks. These were also spread online as a result of the cyberattack, and now many of Capcom’s customers and employees, as well as their important personal information, are at risk as a result. The main problem is the billing information of thousands of people that was leaked as a result of the cyberattack. Capcom is obviously tasked with the duty to protect said information when they receive it, and this could turn out to be a huge problem as they failed to do so.

Many people are very clearly, obviously, and justifiably upset, and there’s little that Capcom can say or do about it as of now. The leaks are continuing even to this day, with the biggest recent leak being the RE: Village development builds mentioned above. For now, we can just wait and see whether or not Capcom will fix the issue before any further harm can be done or even more info will be leaked regarding Capcom’s future projects and more.