Getting really GOOD at fps games can be a challenge. Especially if you don’t have the time to play the game 12 hours a day.

You know who does? 

Those 13-year-olds cracked out on G-Fuel who play the game so much that it is pretty much an extension of their arms.

So how do you keep up with them? 

This post will cover tips to help you get better and hopefully, go back to enjoying your time when you go up against these cracked out 13-year-olds.

Adjust Your Game Settings

This is probably the most overlooked tip on this list and it literally makes the biggest impact. A lot of gamers simply load up their game and go online and start playing right away.

This is wrong.

Take the time to mess around with the settings to make sure that you are completely comfortable with them.

Settings like your sensitivity, audio settings, and visual setting can really transform your gaming experience and even make you a better gamer.

For example, you might be color blind having trouble distinguishing colors in-game because you never went to your settings to turn on the games color blind setting.

Also, you might prefer to play on higher sensitivities but are playing on a game lower default putting yourself at a huge disadvantage.


This might seem unnecessary for video games.

After all, it is just a game and why should you need to practice?

Gaming today has made things possible that were never possible in the past. And because of this, so many people dedicate their lives and a fuck ton of their time to making sure they are at their best when it comes to how they play games.

For the rest of us looking for a casual experience in more competitive games, this means we need to do something to try to keep up. 

If you hate dying 5 seconds into your matches and/or losing about 95% of your 1-on-1 gunfights, then you need to practice. 

Practicing has become so important that just about every competitive game today has a mode in the game where players can go and practice and get better and more comfortable with the game mechanics.

Like everything else in life, practice makes perfect.

Aim for the chest

Normally you want to aim for headshots because typically it is the best spot to shoot at to do a lot of damage. But if you find yourself missing a lot of your shots or having issues tracking your target, try aiming a little lower.

Shooting the chest can be just as effective as hitting the head. You still deal a lot of damage and it’s a bigger target to hit.

As you get more comfortable with shooting, you will see your shots get more consistent you will even get more comfortable going for headshots.

Don’t Reload, Switch Weapons, It’s faster.

If you ever played Modern Warfare 2 then you know where I’m going with this.

If you are in the middle of a gunfight and run out of bullets before you are able to take out your target, SWITCH WEAPONS. Don’t just sit there reloading letting yourself get shot at without firing back.

Switching weapons gives you a better chance of surviving that gunfight and it is always faster than reloading which means you will have a better chance of getting that kill so you can move on to the next target.

If you need to reload both of your guns…well, good luck with that. Maybe throw a grenade or something?

Get Used to Maps

Believe it or not, knowing the map does, and will always, make the difference between winning and losing your gunfights or even the game.

“Knowing the map” doesn’t just mean that you recognize what map you’re playing on. 

“Knowing the map” means learning how to recognize where you are on the map, knowing where “holes” are where you might need to go to take cover to heal, or simply just hide from bullets.

Getting familiar with the spots on the map where you can go to get the upper hand on your enemy. Keep in mind that a lot of times this will mean getting somewhere higher than the level your target is.

Communicate with your team

Depending on how competitive you are playing, or what type of game you are playing, good communication with your team an go a long way.

In games like CS: GO, Call Of Duty, Apex Legends, and Rainbow Six communication is the bread and butter of a really good team.

This is because the right type of communication and really make a difference when it comes to clinching the win.

Here are some situations where you should be communicating:

  • calling out where you spot the enemy team, 
  • telling your team when you are out of ammo, 
  • letting your team know you hear the enemy around the corner, 
  • letting your team know you got shot, 
  • letting them know how much damage you did to the enemy team 
    • BTW when you say someone is 1 shot, Please be very sure they are one shot!