More than Just Video Games – theKarzu Gaming Reviews, Community & Gameplay Tue, 29 Dec 2020 23:16:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 More than Just Video Games – theKarzu Gaming 32 32 More Than Just Video Games: Episode 1, Introduction Tue, 29 Dec 2020 23:16:56 +0000 It has been a society-wide stereotype that video games = laziness.

But thanks to advances in the gaming industry, gaming has become so popular that it is literally making people millionaires.

Now playing video game has become more than just about the video games.

Fellow gamers, it is time to get yours.

If you play the game more than the average person and you aren’t streaming, creating videos, or doing something to find a way to monetize it, then you are making a mistake.

More than just video games is a series I am starting on this blog. 

As a gamer going through the beginning phase of turning my passion for gaming into a career, I am definitely going to run into challenges and will end up having things that I will need to talk about.

I will use this series of articles to talk about those things that come up. I predict that a ton of these challenges that I will come across will be quite common and if you are building something similar to then this information will be sure to help you.

More than just video games is going to be the story of my journey from the start all the way to whenever I decide to stop (if that day ever comes).

One day I will look back at these beginning posts and probably cringe at a couple of things. But I will also feel good about how much help these posts has been for others (hats off to my future self).

So, Who Am I?

I am Moses, or Moe, up to you, aka Karzu. 

I have been a gamer for over 20 years now. 

Damn, I feel old.

As of today, I am 24 years old and I have had a controller in my hand probably since I could count numbers on my fingers.

As a huge fan of everything gaming, I figured it was about time for me to start building a gaming brand of my own. After all, it’s better to make money doing something you love right?

I am building up this website, my streaming platform on twitch, and my social media presence (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter). 

Other than playing and writing about games some of my other interests include basketball, coding, music, and being lazy (ah yes, nothing can make you more relaxed than cutting on Netflix and laying down in the same spot for 6 hours straight).

I am really hopeful about the potential of this blog and the website as a whole. 

Why I Do It

My goal is to someday turn working on this website into a full-time job and to build a base of great readers and community who not only read and take in content but also contribute to making everything better.

And my promise is to work hard to ensure that nothing but quality and great posts make it to the forefront of the site.

What is “More Than Just Video Games”?

More Than Just Video Games is a series where I talk about my journey as it is happening. 

Every Wednesday, I will be coming at you with a new addition to this series.

This series is where I will be giving updates, speaking my mind, offer opinions, ask for help and suggestions, etc.

Deep down I feel like there is something more that I can do with this series but I can’t put it into words quite yet and I know there is something I haven’t thought about yet.

Stay tuned. I will never let you down.

And that is it for the first episode of More Than Just Video Games. 

I could’ve made it longer but I wanted to make the intro short and sweet. I feel like if I made it any longer, the post will be filled with nothing but filler content that is just boring to read.

If you want to write for or want a guest post, or sponsored post, please contact me at

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