Gamers come in many different shades and with different personalities. To the world “all gamers are the same”, but if you are a gamer yourself and you have friends that are gamers, then you know that couldn’t be further from the truth.

In this post, I will name the different types of gamers. Are you one of them?

Hardcore Gamer

This is the gamer that never goes to sleep. 

Playing games is more than fun to him 

They sleep, eat, and poop gaming. 

Don’t even think of trying to get them to get off the game until they are ready. Some hardcore gamers even go on to be professional gamers playing for E-Sport teams or to be the stars of their own successful gaming live streams.

The Try Hard

This gamer is kind of like the hardcore gamer except they don’t necessarily no life the game they play.

The try-hard does take what they play very seriously and is very competitive to boot.

The try-hard is always ready to be tested and is always begging someone to challenge them. Their game is their domain and you better be ready for all the heat if you ever run into one.

The Casual Gamer

This is a gamer that only plays for fun. They won’t take the game seriously and definitely don’t expect them to play long hours with you because more than likely they will get bored after a couple of hours.

There are more casual gamers out there than there are people that take gaming seriously which is why most gamer that does take the games we play seriously, tend to get stuck with “bot” on our teams for us to carry.

Mobile Gamer


Because mobile games are awesome and scratch the itch that sometimes console and PC game just can’t scratch.

Being 24 years old today and thinking back to my days in high school when I got my first smartphone. One thing I remembered enjoying was my discovery of the app store.

Games like Temple Run, Subway Surfers, Jetpack Joyride were what kept me entertained through all those boring hours at school.

It is convenient and it is nice carrying your personal gaming device in your pocket. I am pretty sure just about everyone is a mobile gamer.

The Online Gamer

The online gamer could fall under the category of hardcore or casual as a gamer. Honestly, in our world today if you aren’t playing games online, then are you really a gamer?

Playing games online (with or against people) has become the bread and butter of what all popular games have. Fortnite, Call of Duty, Apex Legends, Rainbow Six etc. 

The online gamer enjoys the trills that come with gaming with and against people. From working with your squad to finally beat that boss in destiny 2 to taking that same squad to Call Of Duty and destroying some noobs.

The Backseat Gamer

This is the gamer that has already beaten the game you just happen to be playing and knows all the secrets and spots that will help you beat the game that you would never have found out without their help…not really.

Beating the game themselves isn’t enough. This gamer will stand over your shoulder and will try to tell you how to play the game.

Don’t be this guy. It is very annoying.

The Old School Gamer

This is the gamer that lives in the past.

They are not impressed by your better graphics, improvements in FPS, or the specs in the latest graphics card. 

Oh, new consoles are coming out? 

They don’t care.

Give them an old school Gameboy, maybe a Sega system and they will be in heaven playing their favorite old school games.

If you know someone like this, cherish them. We all need a trip back to the past every once in a while.

Trophy Hunter Gamer

The name speaks for itself.

This is the gamer that absolutely has to turn every game they play inside out and get every possible achievement that they can to beat the game 100%.

This is a point of pride for these people and if it wasn’t for them. I honestly don’t think the rest of us normies would be able to get some of the hard to get unlockables that are in games these days.

Ever think to yourself, “I would love to know how they expect me to do that”. Just ask a trophy hunter. They got you covered. There are literally hundreds of them on YouTube.

The Cheater

Ahh yes, the cheater.

We both love and HATE this guy. Sometimes they make games a lot more fun and sometimes they make you wonder why they were even born.

Of course, this depends on the type of cheater you deal with and what that cheater has chosen to do with his cheats.

Cheaters do with our video games what the developers never intended. Their sole mission is not just to break the game, but to force the game to bend to their will.

Puzzle Gamer

This guy loves puzzles and will only play puzzle games. 

The harder the puzzle, the more these guys will get off. They enjoy the process it takes to solve a good puzzle. 

Trying different approaches, different strategies, different ways of thinking are their bread and butter.

Games are an opportunity to compete against themselves to improve how they solve puzzles. 

Let me know what type of gamer you are in the comments below. Personally, I would say that I am a hardcore gamer, a big try hard, an online gamer, and a casual gamer all in one. I enjoy playing a wide variety of games and when it comes to gaming online, especially first-person shooters, I am a huge tryhard.